Top Five Things You Shouldn’t Get Too Many of For Your Baby
If you or someone you know is having a baby, then this list is for you. This list will help you save on money for things that are far more important (read: education; health expenses etc.), and not focus too much on things that your baby does not really need. At this day and age, more than being frugal, being wise with expenses is the name of the game. Included in this list is not just items, but also being smart on the number of godmothers and godfathers you’re planning on getting for your child’s christening.
1. Don’t buy too many clothes or shoes for them
I promise you, they just grow up too fast. What you buy for them will be outgrown in just a matter of weeks. So just stick to the basics and buy sparingly. This includes disposable diapers.
2. Don’t hoard on baby milk and bottled food
Even if you have the money, don’t stock up too much on milk or formula (That is, if you’re no breast-feeding. Better if you are). You don’t know if and when they get an allergy from a certain brand or if they’re lactose intolerant. i know of some people who stocked up on formula milk only to discover that their baby developed rashes from it- so they were in a mad rush to sell their remaining stock off so they can recover their money and buy a diffrent batch. Don’t buy too many bottled or cartons of food- Apart from the cost, remember that everything that’s prepared or cooked naturally is still a whole lot better than what is manufactured and sealed in a bottle or a can. Yes, it takes a longer time to prep, like boling and mashing potatoes or carrots or apricots or apple. But these are definitely more natural and more nutritious. Plus, you know what goes into your baby’s tummies.
3. Don’t get too many Ninangs and Ninongs for your first born
Leave some for the second child. Even if you’re not planning to have other kids, best to leave some for when an unexpected miracle happens. Also, choose Godfathers and Godmothers not because of their wealth- but because of their values and their dependability.
4. Don’t buy too many toys
A toddler will always be naturally curious about anything and everything. That means, everything will be something they will have fun playing with or touching. So it really doesn’t matter if a toy is expensive or if it’s simply a wet washcloth. They will enjoy exploring anything and everything as they grow older.
5. Don’t buy too many baby furniture
Check what baby furniture will last and something you can keep for a longer period of time.- Do yo really need a baby carrier, for when you bring your newborn from the hospital? Do you need a bassinet? Or would a crib that will soon convert into a playpen be better in the long run? How about a walker? Or would it be better if you just use rubber mats all around a room so your toddler can learn to stand or walk on his/her own without worrying about your baby bumping their head on cemented tiles? These are things you have to consider when making a purchase, specially big ones and those that your baby will hardly ever use as he/she ages.
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